Ohio City Near West's second annual Christmas Walk will take place the evening of Saturday, December 4, 2010, and will showcase homes on Whitman Avenue. Buy your tickets today! Because of the overwhelming response for the 2009 Walk, this year's Walk will be by timed ticket. Ticket pickup times are 6:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. The Tour will end promptly at 10:00 p.m. The check-in location for this year's Walk is Lelolai Bakery & Café located at 1889 West 25th Street in the neighborhood's shopping district. Lolly the Trolley will then take patrons to the Tour area and will also make strategic stops in areas where many fine restaurants outside the West 25th Street area are located.
Tickets are $16.00 in advance. There will be a limited number of day of tickets for sale at $20.00. For more information or to order tickets call Ohio City Near West Development Corporation at 216.781.3222 or visit www.ohiocity.com.
As an added daytime attraction to the Christmas Walk, come to the Ohio City Christmas Festival sponsored by Great Lakes Brewing Company. The Festival, which is based on German Weihnachtsmärkte or Christmas Markets takes place on Saturday, December 4, 2010 from 11:30 a.m until dusk. Market Avenue will be closed and vendors in tents will line the street selling chocolates, spices, nuts, ornaments and other Christmas items. Yesteryear Horse & Carriage will have rides, Christmas trees and greens will be sold by a local tree farm, and Santa Claus himself will be making an appearance. Bring the family to this happy and festive gathering that is sure to become a yearly event. All proceeds from the Ohio City Christmas Festival will benefit the "Memorial Fund for Grace and Lucy Rothgery."